Cardhop 2.2.5
Here is one of only 2 (out of about 7-8 CardHop contact URLs that I tried) that seemed to work correctly with Hook:x-cardhop://show?id=contact:F01A3985-A216-4F90-94E4-DB62B2CDD25E&contact=Dr.%20John%20J.%20Mahon%20MD
Cardhop 2.2.5
Is it possible that CardHop returns different URLs for the same contact? I would try Copy Link on x-cardhop://show?id=contact:305296D5-12F0-4038-8FAB-B34BC5719378&contact=Amy%20Brettmann a number of times and paste the result in a text file each time, to see if they are different.
Blotter is an easy way to increase your productivity. With your week right before you, it is fast to see if you can make a meeting on Tuesday or if you'll be able to go home early on Friday. Keep your existing calendar. Blotter will tie directly into your OS X iCal calendar instead of recreating it.
Get setup in no time and no work.
Keep things snappy. Blotter uses very little memory and processing power.
Optionally view the next 7 days instead of a regular week.
Turn on the Narrow option to save space with only a to do list and upcoming events.2.2.5Jun 14 2019 041b061a72